Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 5: Party Day

On the last day, we had a movie/piƱata party.  It was a fun and relaxed day!

Day 4: Around the World

For this day, we did activities from several countries around the world.

We made breadsticks for France (which were quite delicious) and let them draw with chalk on the driveway to represent the many artists in Europe

For Mexico, we made maracas and let the kids decorate them with markers

In Egypt, we gave the kids four toilet paper rolls and they wrapped us up like mummies (I think this was their favorite activity)

In Africa, we hid stuffed animals around the yard, and the kids went around with toilet paper tube "binoculars" on a safari to find them

For North America, we chose Hawaii as the theme. We let the kids dress up a hula girls (and boys) and we taught them how to hula! We also had some Hawaiian punch for them to drink

For China, we printed out several coloring pages and the kids colored them to represent Asia's colorful culture.

Over all, this day was a big success!

Day 3: Carnival Day

Throughout the day, we played several different games and they earned tickets to buy prizes.
These are the games we played:
Can Knock-Down
Water Gun Rings
Giant Dice
Present Hot-Potato

At the prize store, the kids could buy bags of popcorn, sticks of clay, bubble rings, otter pops, bouncy balls, and miniature frogs.

Day 2: Pirate Day

 When the kids got here we dressed them up with 'pirate' bandanas and gave them newspaper swords.  We then went on a treasure hunt! The treasure was the thunder cake from the previous day. After eating their cake, the kids had fun fighting with their swords and making a pirate ship with the giant tinker toys shown below.

Day 1: Story Day

We read the kids some books, one of which, was Thunder Cake. After reading the story we had the kids help us make it! We also read stone soup. We had a big pot and put in the ingredients after each page. One of the other books we read was A Color Of  His Own. We helped the kids make butterflies out of tissue paper and markers.