Friday, June 20, 2014

Minute to Win It!

Today was Minute To Win It!!

We played a variety of games inspired by the T.V. show Minute To Win It, including building with dominos,

Face the cookie,

Cup stacking,

Fruit Loop Pickup,


and A Bit Dicey.

We had an awesome week!  Thanks for letting us play with your kids -- we'll see you in July!

Arts and Crafts Day

Today the kids started out by creating beautiful chalk drawings.

Then, we had fun making delicious jewelry out of fruit loops.

Next, we watched as the kids were transformed into Picassos when we gave them giant paper to draw on.

After taking a break to play on the swing set/trampoline, the kids had fun making some awesome towers out of marshmallows and toothpicks.

Spa Day

Once again, kids camp was mostly a group of girls, so we decided to have a fun, girly day -- Spa Day!!

We painted the girls' nails and gave them hand massages,

The girls snacked on hand-dipped chocolate covered pretzels, peanut butter cookies, and air-popped popcorn,

We enjoyed watching Frozen - always a favorite - and joined Elsa as she sang "Let It Go"

And, of course, they all wanted Elsa braids. :)

I think we had some very happy campers. 

Science Day

Today was Science Day!  
Our activites were....

Balloon Rockets

Baking Soda Volcanoes/Playing with Play-Dough

And experimenting with exploding soap in the microwave!